





Dream Songs

 Why do we dream? Nobody knows exactly, but recent research by scientists is providing some important clues. Researchers at the University of Chicago, for example, have been studying a kind of songbird called the zebra finch. Each of these birds has its own unique song. These songs are very important because they help the birds mark their own territory and attract partners. Young zebra finches first copy the songs of other birds, and then they add on new parts to make their own song slightly different. Now new evidence has shown that at least one part of this creative process may take place when the birds are dreaming.
 The scientists at the University of Chicago connected electronic wires to the heads of the songbirds so that they could record brain activity. They found that when the birds were awake and singing, their brains showed a particular pattern of activity. The scientists were then surprised to discover that the brains showed a similar pattern when the birds were sleeping. They reached the conclusion that the birds were in fact practicing and developing their songs in their dreams. Because the patterns at night were slightly different from the patterns during the day, it is believed that the birds were not just repeating the songs in their dreams but actually changing them. The scientists think that perhaps humans do something similar in their dreams.
 This idea is supported by other research. Research on rats shows that they have similar patterns of brain activity both when they are asleep and when they are awake finding their way through mazes.* And research on people shows that when people play a certain computer game during the day, they often dream about the same game at night. Furthermore, people often get better at the game after a night's sleep. All of this suggests that at least one function of dreams may be to help people organize their thoughts and memories in order to improve skills that have been learned during the day. The day when we at last understand the function of dreams may not be too far away.


(1)Zebra finches

1 use their songs to attract other zebra finches.

2 sing songs to find the territory of other birds.

3 always sing exactly the same songs as other birds.

4 sing songs loudly even when they are sleeping.

(2)What surprised the scientists at the University of Chicago?

1 Wires could affect the brains of the sleeping zebra finches.

2 The zebra finches showed a particular pattern of behavior while awake.

3 At night the zebra finches sang exactly the same songs as during the day.

4 The zebra finches had similar patterns of brain activity when awake and asleep.

(3)Scientists believe that the birds were changing their songs in their dreams because

1 the brains of the birds showed no particular activity at night.

2 the birds never sang their nighttime songs when they were awake.

3 the song patterns of the birds were much more complex at night than in the day.

4 there were small differences from daytime brain activity when the birds were asleep.

(4)What might be the reason people get better at games after a night's sleep?

1 Dreaming sometimes reduces the stress in their brains.

2 Dreaming helps them organize their thoughts and memories.

3 Dreaming allows them to learn completely new skills.

4 Dreaming produces unusual chemicals in their brains.

(5)Which of the following statements is true?

1 It seems possible that creative processes happen when people are dreaming.

2 It is very unlikely that people will ever discover the true function of dreams.

3 Dreams are nothing but an exact copy of what happens in people's daily lives.

4 The function of dreams in birds and people appears to be completely different.


英検2級の長文読解問題は現在でもこんな感じで、構成は 題名(タイトル)があって次に本文、そして設問が5題です。


 ではなぜ、なかなか点数が伸びないのか・・。考えられる理由は おそらく、時間が足りない ということです。



第一段落 → 英文の概要 第二段落 → 例証、より詳しい説明

最終段落 → このトピックのまとめ























4 there were small differences from daytime brain activity when the birds were asleep.

この文は、普通、A  is  different from B   これが There were small  differences from B

A となっていて見慣れない英文です。しかし、本文の内容が読み取れていれば、意味を取り違えることはないと思います。









(1) 1 (2) 4 (3)4 (4)2 (5)1

ちなみに ”zebra finch” は「キンカチョウ」というオーストラリアのスズメのような美しい小鳥。zebra はシマウマ、 finchは小鳥。こうやっていろいろ調べるのも楽しい(*^_^*)


